This holds true with conversations as well. IntelliGent loves when we follow a script. His favorite script is a series of question and answers. It goes something like this.
My name is (first name)
What is your big name?
(first, middle, last name)
How do you spell (first name)? (last name)?
(spells correctly)
How old are you?
I'm two years old
Where do you live?
(names house number and street)
In what town? province? country? continent? planet?
(provides correct answer to each)
What is your post box number? What is your phone number?
(again providing correct numbers)
Who is the Prime Minister?
Steven Harper
Who is the Queen?
Queen Elizabeth II
Who is the President of the United States?
Barack Obama
The script continues to lengthen as we add new questions. He loves it. If Dr. Dad or I don't ask, IntelliGent will prompt us with the first question. And don't think you can get away with skipping a question. He will remind you how things are supposed to go, if you don't ask them in the right order.
This love for frequent repetition has been useful for reviewing bible verses and other facts he has learned. I'm always thinking about what other useful information would fit in our script.
What should we add to the conversation next?